The editor(s) of the Royal Music Association Research Chronicle (RMARC) award the journal’s student-paper prize annually, in collaboration with the RMA Research Students’ Conference, held each January.
Submissions are open to all students who present a paper (in-person or online) at the Association’s annual Research Students’ Conference; speakers are required to be student members of the RMA. Papers should fall under the remit [] of RMARC – i.e. to publish submissions from all areas of music research that make extensive use of primary sources such as recordings, digital-borne files, results of ethnographic work, and/or archival materials.
The entries are judged by the editor(s) of RMARC. The winner receives a £100 book token from Cambridge University Press as well as mentorship to develop and expand their submission for publication in the journal. Completed articles will be published in RMARC, subject to satisfactory peer-review, as per the journal’s usual procedures.