Grants & Awards
The RMA offers a number of awards for musical scholarship, as well as conference affiliation (including financial assistance), and small grants for research students and scholars with no access to institutional support. Although awards and affiliation are available to all, grants are only available to RMA members. We strongly encourage nominations and applications that reflect the full diversity of music studies and practice research.
Awards for Scholarship
The Dent Medal is awarded annually to recipients selected for their outstanding contribution to musicology. The Jerome Roche Prize is awarded annually for an outstanding article by a scholar in the early stages of his or her career. Honorary Membership of the Association is awarded in recognition of substantial and long-standing contributions to musical scholarship. The RMA also awards the Practice Research Prize annually.
The RMA awards the Tippett Medal for composition annually.
The Margarita M. Hanson Award supports members of the RMA publishing on British music before 1750.
The editor(s) of the Royal Music Association Research Chronicle (RMARC) award the journal’s student-paper prize annually, in collaboration with the RMA Research Students’ Conference, held each January.
In addition, in association with Cambridge University Press, the Royal Musical Association offers two book prizes annually, one for a monograph and one for an edited collection.

Small Research Grants are available to student members of the RMA and member scholars with no access to institutional support.
The Displaced Music Researcher Membership and Bursary Scheme is available to facilitate music research (in any area, including practice research) to scholars from any country who have been displaced from their jobs or (doctoral) studies as a result of conflict and/or political circumstances.
Conference affiliation provides an opportunity for conference and study day organizers to benefit from advertising, advice and support from the RMA. Financial support is also available.