RMA Committees

Brown leather chairs surrounding a board room table

RMA Committees

Much of the day-to-day running of the RMA is organised through Sub-committees of the Council, each of which has a different area of responsibility. These are:

Awards Committee

The awards committee overseas the administration of the association’s awards. The committee is responsible for generating and soliciting nominations for Honorary Membership, the Dent Medal, and the Jerome Roche Prize, and making recommendations of recipients to the association’s governing council. The committee also receives and considers applications for small research grants. Full details of all grants and awards offered by the RMA is available here.

Chair of Awards Committee: Catherine Tackley (Catherine.Tackley@liverpool.ac.uk)

Events committee

The Events Committee meets at least three times a year, and is responsible for planning one-day meetings, conferences, and other similar events. The committee makes decisions about dates, locations and contents of different events, and delegates responsibility for local arrangements. Organisers of the Association’s events – such as the Annual Conference and Research Students’ Conference – are invited to attend. A full list of all forthcoming RMA events is available here.

Chair of Events Committee: Clair Rowden (RowdenCS@cardiff.ac.uk)

External Affairs Committee

The committee for external affairs deals with consultations from research councils and other national bodies, consulting among the membership on such matters and responding on behalf of the association.

Chair of External Affairs Committee: Simon Keefe (s.keefe@sheffield.ac.uk)

Finance, Membership and Communications Committee

The Finance and Membership Committee advises the Treasurer on the preparation of budgets and on the general financial position of the Association. In addition, the Committee reviews the membership and the levels of subscription, and reviews honoraria for RMA officers. The Committee also oversees marketing and communications activity.

Chair of Finance, Membership and Communications Committee: Lois Fitch (l.fitch@rcs.ac.uk)

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee has responsibility for all RMA academic publications, encompassing editorial policy, publicity, and marketing. The Committee takes decisions on the timing and contents of publications,  but in addition both the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and the RMA Research Chronicle have their own independent Editorial Boards. More information about RMA publications is available here.

Chair of Publications Committee: Rebecca Herissone (Rebecca.Herissone@manchester.ac.uk)

Search Committee

The Search Committee assists the Council and other committees in searches for appropriate personnel for all offices of the Association. These include (when vacancies arise) members of council and Vice-Presidents, Chairmanship of Proceedings and Publications committees, the secretary, administrator, editorships and convenors.

Chair of Search Committee: Caroline Rae (Rae@cardiff.ac.uk)

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group

Music Education Initiative

Student Affairs Committee

The Student Committee acts as a voice for students, representing their concerns and needs to the RMA. Read more on the student pages.