Chapters & Study Groups
The RMA has established several Chapters which co-ordinate events in a specific country or region, along with Study Groups, which focus on a particular area of scholarly enquiry. Study Groups are independent and self-governing, but may be affiliated to the Association; affiliation brings benefits, including financial support, and is granted by Council.
Scottish Chapter
The RMA Scottish Chapter coordinates and publicizes RMA-affiliated events at the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, St Andrews, and Glasgow, and at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. It encourages participants to feel part of a UK-wide musical community and aims to enhance awareness in Scotland of the considerable range of benefits available to RMA members. The Scottish Chapter is convened by Eva Moreda Rodriguez (University of Glasgow).
This chapter fulfills the need for a forum bringing together music practitioners in performance, composition, and musicology with music educators in South-East Asia.
The South-East Asia Chapter, founded in 2015, was formed to enhance and deepen musical scholarship in the region, and widen the reach of the RMA, by hosting annual events, whether conferences, study days, or other occasions for discussion. The Chapter is convened by Monika Hennemann.
Current Study Groups include:
- Composer-Performer Collaboration Study Group
- French Music Study Group
- LGBTQI Study Group
- Music and/as Process Study Group
- Music and Philosophy Study Group
- Music of Eastern Europe and Eurasia
- Popular Music Study Group
- Practice Research Study Group
- Shakespeare and Music Study Group
- Technology in Music Performance (TiMP)
If you are interested in finding out more about setting up your own Study Group, our guideline terms of reference will give you an indication of expectations. Study Groups are overseen by the RMA’s Events Committee (see RMA Committees).