Nominations for candidacy as Ordinary Members of Council are open. Any member may nominate any other member for this position; there will be three positions contested in this summer’s election. Council hopes there will be approximately twice as many candidates as open positions in any election.
Nominations must be made in writing and communicated to the Chair of Search Committee, Pauline Fairclough, by email. Each nomination must be made by one member of the RMA, seconded by another member, and confirmed by the candidate her- or himself (who must be a member in good standing, with their subscription for 2020 paid up by the time of nomination; in case of doubt consult the Executive Officer). Self-nomination is not accepted. Nominations must be received by 1 May 2020.
Ordinary Members of Council are expected to take an active part in the governance of the RMA. Their tenure of office will run for three years beginning on 1 January following their election. Council meets three times annually: in early January during the Research Students’ Conference, in mid May, and in September during the Annual Conference (the first and last of these take place wherever the conferences are held, the May meeting normally in London). They are also expected to attend the Annual General Meeting during the Annual Conference. In addition, Ordinary Members of Council are expected to serve on one or more committees. Events Committee meets twice a year (mid April and mid November), Publications Committee twice (on the mornings before the Council meetings in January and May), Finance, Membership, and Communications Committee twice (on the same day as the April meeting of Events Committee and in early July), Student Committee twice (during the Research Students’ Conference and in the middle of the year); Awards Committee, Search Committee, and External Affairs Committee do most of their work without face-to-face meetings. Regular attendance at meetings, especially those of Council, is essential.
For further information, see the pages on Council and Committees on the RMA website.
Ordinary Members of Council are legally Directors of the Association as a company limited by guarantee, and its Trustees as a charity.