The deadline for receiving completed nominee forms (Monday 23 March) has now passed.
The Royal Musical Association would like to invite applications, from across the entire music research community, to be considered for nomination as members of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) sub-panel in the following areas:
- Acoustic Composition
- Music Performance research
We are also seeking nominations for Impact Assessors and Specialist Advisors.
As a Subject Association, the RMA is invited to nominate candidates. For further background on this process see:
In seeking to broaden representation on the REF sub-panel, we welcome applications from a range of career levels as well as types of institution. Applicants do not need to be RMA members, nor in full-time academic employment.
Potential nominees should complete the nominee form, which incorporates guidance on what information to include. Applications for nomination should be sent no later than Monday 23 March 2020 to the RMA President Elect, Barbara Kelly: