RMA Practice Research Study Day 2024: Methods and Methodologies

Held in-person (with hybrid access) at the University of Leeds on the 4th December 2024.

Deadline for proposals – Sunday 10th November at 23:59.


Continuing from the successful inaugural practice research study day in 2024, the intention behind this study is to give an opportunity to practice researchers (both early career researchers and PhD researchers) to network and meet other practitioners across the country. This study day’s main focus is around practice research process and methodology as opposed to research content itself, as well as to encourage practice researchers at the very beginning of their PhD research to attend and take part in presenting a short poster presentation on approaches to their practice. In addition to this, early PhD researchers have a dedicated Q&A session where more experienced practitioners, recently-completed PhD researchers and PhD researchers further into their projects can be there to discuss research processes/methodologies with the early PhD researchers. Lastly, the final session of the day will be a space for lecture-recitals.


Proposals are welcome for 10-minute poster presentations and lecture recitals. Proposals to be submitted using the Google Form by Sunday 10th November at 23:59 (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScugRA1lEofrzKdQxqnP-UojzvsTSMOMf01QznFQtSJCJdsZg/viewform). We are delighted to have confirmed Lauren Redhead as the keynote speaker.


Event to be held in-person, and this form of attendance is required for anyone wishing to present/perform. Online access will be available for those who wish to view the event remotely.


As well as through the RMA mailing lists, this event will be promoted through Student Committee social media accounts. Targeted emails will also be sent to individual music departments across the UK and Ireland, and we will aim to get the event featured in other relevant mailing lists.

Organisers: Maya Ann Morris, Yajie Ye and Niki Zohdi (RMA Student Committee), and with thanks to Scott Mclaughlin (University of Leeds).

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