The RMA has three new openings for Ordinary Members of Council (OMC), and two for Vice-President. Ordinary Members of Council serve for three years and the VP positions are for four years and one year respectively. If you’d like to come and join us, and help run the Association for the benefit of all its members, we’d love to hear from you.
We are particularly looking for new Council members who will support and help take forward our initiatives to become a more diverse Association. We would like to encourage nominations that reflect the full diversity of music studies and from individuals who self-identify as members of groups that are often under-represented in the RMA and music academia more broadly. We are actively working towards making our activities fully accessible and our meetings are virtual or hybrid. We would welcome representation from colleagues with a particular understanding or experience of disability.
Council meetings take place three times per year (usually at the Annual Conference in September; the Research Students Conference in January, and in mid-May). Meetings take place in person, with an option to join online. In addition, Council members are assigned to specific committees which may meet in person or online. Reasonable expenses for travel to RMA meetings are reimbursed.
To apply for Ordinary Member of Council, you may either secure a nomination from an existing member of the RMA, who will then put your name forward; or contact Laudan Nooshin, Chair of Search Committee (L.Nooshin@city.ac.uk) directly with an expression of interest. When seeking nominations, please ensure that you make the request at least one week before the deadline, and that all communications to RMA members are made via official email addresses (rather than personal emails or via social media). Please also respect regular working hours.
Application for Vice-President can only be made via a nomination from a current member of the RMA Council (view Council Membership).
Together with nomination details, please submit a ‘statement of candidacy’ (no more than a single A4 page), which will go out with the list of names to the RMA membership over the summer, so everyone who is eligible to vote will read it.
The statement should contain the following information (bullet points should be avoided):
1. Name and current occupation/role
2. Relevant previous positions
3. Short résumé of research
4. Any honours
5. Administrative experience; committee positions held
6. Personal statement
The ‘personal statement’ really means a few words about what you’d hope to contribute as a member of Council and is the most important part of your statement.
The closing date for nominations is Monday 24th April 2023. You do not need to be an RMA member at the time of your nomination, but membership is mandatory for anyone taking up an elected position.
Any enquiries can be address to the Chair of the Search Committee, Laudan Nooshin, l.nooshin@city.ac.uk.