We have collated a number of resources to support RMA members during the coronavirus pandemic. We welcome ideas for additions which should be emailed to communications@rma.ac.uk. See our Update on coronavirus / COVID-19 for more information on the impact of the pandemic on RMA activities and how we are responding.
Research Resources
Many publishers have made research resources available without charge during the coronavirus pandemic. Collated lists are available as follows:
Information Service Providers:
Jisc Publishers:
Online Seminars and Conferences
Online seminars
Academics in Quarantine
‘Online, informal, relaxed conference for all disciplines, fields, and folks’, not limited to music research.
Orchestrating Isolation: Musical Interventions and Inequality in the COVID-19 Fallout, 22 June at 3.00-6.30 pm.
DONNE – Women in Music, regular, discussions on music on women, Facebook live videos on https://www.facebook.com/DonneUK/
Royal Northern College of Music: #RNCMRemote
Mondays and Thursdays 1.15 pm: Lunchtime Concert (https://www.facebook.com/RNCMLIVE/)
Wednesdays 4.15 pm: Research Seminar (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSVfm7KUiMtds90RPPZTGSA)
Tuesdays 1 pm: RNCM Radio Show (https://www.rncm.ac.uk/media/rncm-radio/)
Online conferences
Music in the Home: A Virtual Symposium, 2-5 June
Registration deadline 29 May
Hidden Figures of Screen Music and Sound – 23-24 June – Onlinehttps://www.hiddenfiguresconference.com/
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2020, 1-4 July
The conference will include paper sessions, keynote, receptions and virtual concerts. There is a £20 registration fee, waived for PhD students, PostDoc, Unwaged, and those Badly Affected by Covid.
Early Recordings: Methodologies in Research and Practice – 10-11 July – Onlinehttps://earlyrecordingsconference.wordpress.com/
Music Literacy Study Day – 15 July – Society for Musical Analysis – Online
An opportunity to hear about and discuss questions relating to music literacy and contribute to SMA research: ‘Questioning the gap: defining a role for the SMA in preparing students for music degrees in higher education today.’ Register your interest by emailing oliverllchandler@googlemail.com.
Decolonising the Musical University – 23-24 July – Online
2nd International Conference on Timbre – 3-4 September – Online
Royal Musical Association Annual Conference, 8-10 September
Details of the online programme will be announced soon.
Advice and Financial Support
Musicians Union: Hardship fund, and general advice during the Corona Crisis
The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain: Medical expenses support, and financial support for those affected by illness
PRS Emergency Relief Fund: Individual grants of up to £1000 for financial difficulties
Help Musicians UK: Hardship fund, and general advice for musicians
ISM: Advice for musicians moving online, general advice for the Corona crisis, funding for musicians
Arts Council England Digital Culture Network: Online and digital support for arts practicioners
Arts Council England Financial Support: support and application process – for both organisations and individuals
BAPAM: list of health-related resources for practitioners
For Students
Employment 4 Students: advice for moving work online, online opportunities and various work-specific topics for students
Mental Health and Wellbeing
ArtsMinds: online mental health support
Music Minds Matter
https://www.musicmindsmatter.org.uk/ – 24/7 helpline available
Music Support
https://www.musicsupport.org/ – also run a support line
https://www.mind.org.uk/ – very extensive support for everyone
Music Industry Therapists Collective – Guide To Anxiety Relief & Self Isolation