The RMA ran an online research skills mini-series starting from April to June 2020, aimed especially at research students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs).
Research Skills Mini Series
- 15 April 3:00pm (BST): Resilience, Mental Health and Wellbeing in isolation
- 13 May 3:00pm (BST): Working and Researching from Home
- 17 June 3:00pm (BST): Work-in-progress presentations from RMA members
This series of workshops is aimed at research students and ECRs and will cover topics of interest to those researching and working from home.
There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussions, and we hope to make everyone feel part of the academic community during these difficult times.
The workshops will be delivered on Zoom by Nuria (Research Skills Officer).
The June workshop will feature short presentations (7-10 minutes) by RMA student researchers and ECRs on the work and research they have achieved during their time in isolation. The aim is to learn from and support each other. Please register your interest to present!
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