RMA Study Days
The RMA holds regular study days on a wide range of topics in the study of music. Study days are normally (although not exclusively) convened by postgraduate students, with the RMA providing advice and assistance, and financial support. They offer organisers an opportunity to develop administrative and fundraising skills and to assume responsibility for a project. Study Days usually focus on a single topic or visit, are sometimes collaborative events run by more than one institution and may include seminars, discussion groups and workshops.
Forthcoming Study Days
Hosting a Study Day
If you have an idea for a Study Day, you should contact the Student Liaison Officer, Maureen Wolloshin (mwolloshin1@gmail.com) who will discuss your proposal and help you put together an application. Organisers should consult the guidelines on the RMA profile at student Study and Training Days.
This is a separate process from RMA Conference Affiliation.
Where the RMA makes a financial contribution to a conference or study day, we require organisers to report back on the event before funds can be released:
- We ask you to provide a narrative report for the website/Newsletter (see guidance for authors)
- We ask you to complete a financial report for the Association’s Events Committee (download guidance and template)